#System Designs
For the longest time, Unisala operated without proper project management tools like jira. This was not only area where we faltered. It was just one of many spin
Linked List: A sequential data structure where each element (node) points to the next, forming a chain.Array: A collection of elements, usually of the sa
REST is the most common communication standard between computers over internet.What is it? Why is this so popular?Api stands for application programming interfa
In this note, we will develop an intuition on some of the common latency numbers. Which are very crucial for system design.It's not critical to know the exact n
DNS is internet directory, which translates human readable domain names such as unisala.com to a machine readable ip address. This is the reason why when you ty
The Context Irony:Ever tried finding that beach photo on your phone? You type beach in your photo gallery search.shows Nothing.You try "ocean."Still nothing.Fru
As users generate thousands of images, the real challenge becomes storing, understanding, and retrieving these assets effectively. The goal is to build a "smart