Programming Language Theory 101: Inference Rules and Extensions
Brain Dump
Oct 13, 2024
Inference rules are fundamental concepts in formal logic & reasoning, widely used in mathematics, computer science & especially in programming language theory.
They provide a structure way of:
Key points:
1. Structure: They consist of
2. Interpretation:
if all premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
3. Usages in programming language:
Understanding inference rules is crucial for:
Modus Ponens, a classic logical inference rule:
P is true, if P implies Q, Q is true
Typing rule for function application (in programming language theory):
e1 has a type T1 → T2
e2 has a type T1
then the application (e1 e2) has a type T2
T1 → T2 is a single type, not two separate types. It's the type of a function
T1 → T2 is read as a function from T1 to T2
For example:
So, e1 having type T1 → T2 means:
t is defined as :
This grammar defines the syntax for a simple language that can express boolean & arithmetic operations along with some error handling capabilities.
The bad & try except constructs are extensions to a basic arithmetic language to explore language design and semantics.
Each of these constructs would typically have associated
The grammar defines a tiny language that can do basic math & logic, plus handle errors.
The "bad" is like an error state. The "try-except" is like error handling in regular programming languages
For a normal software developer, understanding this is useful because:
These concepts are part of theoretical foundations of programming languages. They are used to rigorously define how languages work, prove properties about them & ensure they behave consistently.
Who needs to understand these concepts:
Operational Semantics Rules:
How can we extend this operational semantic rules, by adding two new constructs in this operation
To accommodate these, you would typically:
The goal is to precisely define how these new language features behave in all possible scenarios within the existing arithmetic language.
1. Rules for 'bad' construct:
2. Rules for stuck states reducing to 'bad':
3. Rules for "try ... except" construct:
This grammar defines the syntax for a simple language that can express:
(a) How do we extend the operational semantic rules in slide 28 to accommodate for the two
1. Try-Eval:
Try-Eval is about the ongoing evaluation of t1.
this rule applies when t1 can be further evaluated. It says that if t1 can become t1', then whole try-except expression takes a step evaluating t1 while keeping t2 unchanged.
2. Try-Value:
Try value is about what happens when t1 successfully evaluates to a non bad value.
This rules applies when t2 have been fully evaluated to value v that is not bad, in this case, the entire try-except expression evaluates to v, ignoring t2.
3. Try-Bad:
It's about what happens when t1 evaluates to the bad state.
This rule applies when t1 has evaluated to bad, in this case the entire try except expression evaluates to t2.
Together these rules define the complete behaviour of the try-except construct:
How do we extend the operational semantic rules so that for
this evaluates t1 condition first, then selects either t2 or t3 based on whether t1 evaluates to true or false.
Modified rules for evaluating t2 & t3 before t1.
To enforce evaluation of t2, then t3, & finally t1, we introduce new evaluation steps. We ensure that the system progresses through t2 & t3 before considering evaluation of t1.
1. Evaluating t2 first: if t2 is not a value we evaluate t2 first
2. Evaluating t3 next: Once t2 has been fully evaluated i.e t2 is now a value, we move to evaluating t3.
3. Finally evaluating t1: Once both t2 & t3 have been evaluated to values, we evaluate t1:
4.- Conditional selection:
After t1 evaluates to either true or false, we can perform the final selection based on t1:
Finally summary of extended rules:
How do we extend the typing rules for these two constructs?
To extend the typing rules for the new construct bad & try...except, we need to consider
Here, since we have added 2 new construct, what typing rules should we have?
Typing rules help us understand what kind of data we're dealing with in our program.
For example: is something a number or a true/false value?
For Bad feature:
For the try...except feature:
Γ (Gamma):
for example:
In the typing rule:
What we know about the types of variable (Γ), we can determine that t1 has type T.
The importance of gamma Γ is that it allows us to type check expressions that might contain variables.
1. Rule for Bad:
This rules means that in any context gamma, bad can have any type T.
2. Rule for 'try-except':
For this we want to ensure that both the main expression & the exception handler have the same type.
How to read this typing rule?=
Putting it together we reads as:
If in the context of gamma(Γ), t1 has type T, & in the same context gamma(Γ) t2 also has type T, then in the context gamma (Γ), the expression try t1 except t2 has type T.
In simpler terms:
If the main expression (t1) & the exception handler (t2) both have the same type T, then the entire try-except expression also has type T.
This ensures that both branch t1 & t2 return values of the same type, maintaining consistency & type safety.
Consider the termination theorem. With our extension in context with two new features, is our semantics still terminating? What adjustment has to be made to prove termination?
To determine if the semantics are still terminating with the extensions added, see what adjustments may be needed to prove the termination, we need to consider how the new constructs i.e bad & try...except affect the evaluation process.
Original Termination Theorem:
Uniqueness of Normal Forms:
This theorem states that if a term t can be evaluated to two normal from u & u', then u = u'.
Termination of Evaluation:
This theorem states that for any term t, there exists some normal form u such that t can be evaluated to u, This is the core of termination property we need to preserve with our extensions.
Analysis of New Constructs:
Impact on Termination:
This semantics will still be terminating if:
To prove termination these new constructs, we need to adjust:
For the notes and task discussed in this lecture, credit goes to CSCE-550, Principles of Program Language class. And notes i took are study materials in the class. Credit goes to Dr. Chen.
#CSCE550 #Principles #ProgramLanguage #550 #inferenceRules #languageSemantics